28 December 2005

My wish for the holiday season

With all due respect to Steve Martin's legendary comedy routine, I offer my one wish for the holiday season: That all of our friends and family make it home safely from overseas, and Maj. Steve Beck needs to find a new line of work.

A guy in our office recently returned from about 18 months or so in Afghanistan. While he was over there, his emails were short, but usually positive and upbeat. When he got back, he told us some of the other stories that he didn't feel were appropriate for the time (good guy -- didn't want all his friends and family worrying about him). One such story involved a trip that he made back home to the States accompanying the dead body of one of the men from his unit. I am sure that you wouldn't need to hear him say that it was the toughest thing he had done in his life. If you read the linked article, you had best have a hanky handy. If you don't need it, you better check your pulse.

If I could make that stop, with my one wish, I am sure that is what I would want.

But, if I had TWO wishes...

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